
Congrats to Vinod on his wedding!! Just remarked to him casually - also since it was the said thing - that he looked a changed man. Imagine my surprise when he turns around and blushes. Omigosh – he is a changed man!!!

Congrats in order to Anoop too on his new offer – after being denied an increment just two days back– way to go, man!! That shows true character. A round of mails between myself (he enjoyed the privilege of having me as his boss) and Anoop just in order to place on record a few things that could not have been expressed in any forum – and there you have it – backroom punching!!

Mayday Mayday

Turned away from office on Labour day since there might be some disturbance if we insist on working. And this from our security guys!!! Makes you kinda wonder sometimes. Hmmm….I myself feel like smashing some furniture. I have lugged my heavy laptop bag containing various assortments some 15 kms on my bike. But wait…a bigger storm is about to explode. Our not working means the month end consolidation cannot be run (don’t even begin to think of it…its safe to assume it as common accounting parlance). Our month end reporting will be delayed which means our Asia pole cannot submit its results in time. In continuation, US will not be able to consolidate its results. All this since we cannot submit our results on time. We – who contribute around 0.00047% of the total group revenues. Hell to pay!! You know what they say about Armageddon!!

Itsmylife 1

Drat…double drat…this is the third time my cooker (ingeniously used for heating milk) has turned black on overheating. Such are the vagaries of living a bachelor’s life. The prospect of returning home after a friend’s wedding to scrub the hell out of the cooker is ……well, daunting, to say to the least!!!