An unconditional apology!

Sorry…really, Sorry!

Sometimes you find that no language has the words quite able to express one’s guilt or remorse in the same vein as the feelings in your heart. There are depths of emotion which we strive to communicate through the words of an undeveloped medium of communication. In that sense, the word “Sorry” probably stands for the greatest range of emotions that one can feel. One single word to stand for such a plane of feelings does not seem fair. But that’s how it stands.

Sometimes also, one also comes across situations when you feel the need to take a stand either for or against the self vis-à-vis a greater cause in which others’ feelings are immutably attached. In such a case, to take a decision either way seems very painful. Its catch 22! Simplistically, you can either subserve your own desires and make a heroic sacrifice or you can take a strong non-emotional stand on issues. I have found that there is only one way to approach such questions in Life. Think!! Think!! Think through it – logically, emotionally, of the people involved, of the lesser good, of the greater good and always believe that you have to take a proper stand – make the correct decision. On hindsight, I feel we cannot view any issue very simply and reduce it to a self interest v/s other interest tussle. You consider the time – present & the future, the possibilities – positive and negative, the repercussions – immediate and farreaching, the morals and ethics – have a strong dispassionate sense on this. Ultimately you have to take a decision. Say, to or not to cut off a potter’s infected arms so that he may live for a longer time – for his family, for an alternative profession, for varied desires and dreams – will always be a difficult choice.

But can one deny the guilt involved for the hurt a decision causes (irrespective of whether this decision has probably saved more hurt in future – irrespective of whether this decision is probably the least painful given the grand design of Nature – irrespective of whether this was the last opportunity to take that decision and could not have been postponed)? No. One cannot deny the guilt – because there were opportunities in the past to have taken a decision with less painful effects– because one could have handled things better – because one could have protected someone’s dignity and honour in a more proper way – because one should learn to be firm and clear at all times and all places in dealing with people, communicating with people, reaching out a message and not be iffy about things.

And that’s why for all the hurt, for all the embarrassment, for all the unintended pain, for every single moment that hope was held out, for every dream presented that turned out to be a mirage, for the regret of feeling the way one feels to have caused a hurtful decision, for all the other things felt guilty for and no apologies asked for, for the big, BIG mea culpa, and also for the wretched limited vocabulary of the English language because these 3 words do not seem to quite make the cut – I am sorry!!

Now eat this!!

There is another take to the recent survey which concluded that talking on the cellphone when driving is as dangerous as being drunk and driving. Well…there are already a few believers who have concluded gleefully that driving when drunk is not so bad after all. After all, its as safe as talking on the cellphone when driving. Howzzat?

Superman...superman..whither art thou?

There are comic book superheroes (1970-80), comic book superheroes (1980-90), comic book superheroes (1990-00)………… and then there’s Superman. What makes Superman appealing beyond the obvious fact of his special powers is that there is grandness and nobility in his adventures. Other superheroes like Spiderman have flawed human personas. Batman has his dark side. But you can always trust Superman to take the right decision – the noble decision – the self-effacing decision. This is what is very special about Superman. Many pundits have drawn an analogy to Jesus Christ. I agree. In fact, I have always compared him with Lord Ram. Somehow Superman loses his appeal when you grow older and one tends to get attracted to other superheroes. Superman will always appeal first to a kid because its only at a young age when you are fascinated by a superhero’s invulnerable personality. As you grow older, you tend to identify with more vulnerable heroes since you want them seen in an equal fight. With Superman, the fight will always be with unequals. He can practically carry off anything under the sun. Hence his appeal lies in his powers and his personality – not the stories around him.

I entered the movie hall not expecting to be entertained by “Superman Returns”. How can a Superman story entertain you? You will have to create an implausible story line or a really wacky villain to engage Superman in an interesting duel. But I came out feeling good about the movie. Superman rules!!!

The day I decided to settle down in Life

It all began in Chennai. One sleepy morning awoken to the fragrance of incense sticks and the refrain of the Subrabhatam. I felt like an absolute zombie. If I was not a slob at that moment, the word never existed. I woke up to the lure of domesticity. Life changed. Memories of all those all-nighters in office shamed me. I thought it was so cool to feel above these pleasures of domestic life. “Not interested in marriage really!! Tell me something interesting.” Oh boy!! That morning I woke up, brushed my teeth (still do retain some good habits of childhood), walked down to the living room and switched on the TV as if on cue. To the disapproving eyes of my uncle and assortment of aunts. Who cares – methought. But then to get soaked in the pure innocence of an orthodox Iyengar morning – to see these aunts rush around the house with incence cones and sticks - chanting their prayers inwardly – towels neatly bunched up on freshly washed hair. Man, I was taken in. Bigtime!! Decided that this was probably the catch. I decided to get married – probably longed for the stability that I felt that day – probably felt settled in that fragrance of those incense cones. Floored!!

Pragmatism - need of hour

Statesmanlike is an adjective seldom used nowadays. How I yearn for somebody with that tag. (Always wonder how it would have been if there were leaders like Gandhi & Nehru and how they would have dealt with current day problems – would they have had tall enough statures to take a pragmatic stand against populist opinion!). Its just all right to pander to popular sentimentalism by stepping down from offices of profit that can at best be described as figurehead positions. Its okay to appeal for economic liberalization when everybody has seen the benefits and when its known that taking a stand will not ruffle any feathers. But to go against the flow and stand for what is felt right. To stand against the tide and be your own man – to stand firm with resolve against the might of the rugpullers - to take a common sense position on reservation. Now that calls for real character and any politician who will be game to do this has my vote.


Congrats to Vinod on his wedding!! Just remarked to him casually - also since it was the said thing - that he looked a changed man. Imagine my surprise when he turns around and blushes. Omigosh – he is a changed man!!!

Congrats in order to Anoop too on his new offer – after being denied an increment just two days back– way to go, man!! That shows true character. A round of mails between myself (he enjoyed the privilege of having me as his boss) and Anoop just in order to place on record a few things that could not have been expressed in any forum – and there you have it – backroom punching!!

Mayday Mayday

Turned away from office on Labour day since there might be some disturbance if we insist on working. And this from our security guys!!! Makes you kinda wonder sometimes. Hmmm….I myself feel like smashing some furniture. I have lugged my heavy laptop bag containing various assortments some 15 kms on my bike. But wait…a bigger storm is about to explode. Our not working means the month end consolidation cannot be run (don’t even begin to think of it…its safe to assume it as common accounting parlance). Our month end reporting will be delayed which means our Asia pole cannot submit its results in time. In continuation, US will not be able to consolidate its results. All this since we cannot submit our results on time. We – who contribute around 0.00047% of the total group revenues. Hell to pay!! You know what they say about Armageddon!!

Itsmylife 1

Drat…double drat…this is the third time my cooker (ingeniously used for heating milk) has turned black on overheating. Such are the vagaries of living a bachelor’s life. The prospect of returning home after a friend’s wedding to scrub the hell out of the cooker is ……well, daunting, to say to the least!!!

Bangalore "Bang-galore"

I know now what it feels like to be Indiana Jones in those Spielberg flicks. Anyone would feel that – i.e. just about anyone who has been through Hosur Road (or for that matter, anyplace else in Bangalore) during the morning peak rush. God save you if you have handed the steering wheels to somebody else. Even a slight smirk on the driver’s face haunts you with visions of that sadistic hangman in those old Ed Wood flicks. People driving their own cars look like actors out of a seedy sequel to “The Fast and the Furious” out to prove a point to the Devil. But c’mon guys, this is REAL LIFE!!! Just a wee bit short of 36500 days granted to all of us. Speed thrills but it kills too!!