It all began in Chennai. One sleepy morning awoken to the fragrance of incense sticks and the refrain of the Subrabhatam. I felt like an absolute zombie. If I was not a slob at that moment, the word never existed. I woke up to the lure of domesticity. Life changed. Memories of all those all-nighters in office shamed me. I thought it was so cool to feel above these pleasures of domestic life. “Not interested in marriage really!! Tell me something interesting.” Oh boy!! That morning I woke up, brushed my teeth (still do retain some good habits of childhood), walked down to the living room and switched on the TV as if on cue. To the disapproving eyes of my uncle and assortment of aunts. Who cares – methought. But then to get soaked in the pure innocence of an orthodox Iyengar morning – to see these aunts rush around the house with incence cones and sticks - chanting their prayers inwardly – towels neatly bunched up on freshly washed hair. Man, I was taken in. Bigtime!! Decided that this was probably the catch. I decided to get married – probably longed for the stability that I felt that day – probably felt settled in that fragrance of those incense cones. Floored!!
Streets of Philadelphia --- Bruce Springsteen
13 years ago