Pragmatism - need of hour

Statesmanlike is an adjective seldom used nowadays. How I yearn for somebody with that tag. (Always wonder how it would have been if there were leaders like Gandhi & Nehru and how they would have dealt with current day problems – would they have had tall enough statures to take a pragmatic stand against populist opinion!). Its just all right to pander to popular sentimentalism by stepping down from offices of profit that can at best be described as figurehead positions. Its okay to appeal for economic liberalization when everybody has seen the benefits and when its known that taking a stand will not ruffle any feathers. But to go against the flow and stand for what is felt right. To stand against the tide and be your own man – to stand firm with resolve against the might of the rugpullers - to take a common sense position on reservation. Now that calls for real character and any politician who will be game to do this has my vote.

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